Unions Take Up White House $4 Billion 'Better Buildings Challenge'
Posted By Adele Stan On December 2, 2011 (1:58 pm) In Economy, Other
At a White House event today featuring President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton, AFT President Randi Weingarten represented labor leaders in joining university presidents and corporate executives in support of the presidential Better Buildings Challenge initiative.
President Obama announced that nearly $4 billion of investments have been committed already, including $2 billion by workers’ pension funds, CEOs, mayors and university presidents for energy-saving upgrades. The labor movement committed to work to invest $150 million in energy-efficient retrofit projects in the coming months.
The goal of the initiative, which builds on work begun by the AFL-CIO earlier this year with the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), is to spur job creation by harnessing private sector investment in energy upgrades in commercial and industrial buildings.
Working with the AFT, a...
Article taken from AFL-CIO NOW BLOG - http://blog.aflcio.org
URL to article: http://blog.aflcio.org/2011/12/02/unions-take-up-white-house-4-billion-better-buildings-challenge/